what is an inquiry letter?

Hello, introduce my name, Rafi Ihsan Kamal, I am a student of photography study program from a creative media state polytechnic. This time I will share about, "What's the inquiry letter ??"

Curious right?

Then let's see,
Inquiry Letter

An inquiry letter is a type of request letter for information containing a product, service, job vacancy or other business information.
In general, the function of this letter is to respond to advertising from information sources such as newspapers, magazines or electronic media about a product / service when we are interested in the information obtained.
Usually this letter is an initial step for building a business or collaboration from two parties, namely the provider of products / services and buyers of the product / service.

After we look carefully, we will understand it with a 5w 1h approach, so just go ahead ...

1. What is the inquiry letter?
inquiry letter is a type of request letter for information containing a product, service, job vacancy or other business information.

2. Where will you get information about business information?
You will get information from many sources such as newspapers, magazines or electronic media about a product / service when we are interested in the information obtained.

3. Why must use inquiry letter to respond a business information?
We must use inquiry letter as initial step for building a business or collaboration from two parties, namely the provider of products / services and buyers of the product / service.

4. Who uses this inquiry letter?
Two parties usually use inquiry letter, namely the provider of products / services and buyers of the product / service.

5. When do you use inquiry letter?
We use inquiry letter to request for information containing a product, service, job vacancy or other business information.

6. How to a structure the inquiry letter?
The are seven steps to write inquiry letter, such as, Header, date, opening, refrence, request information, closing, signature.

That was an explanation of "what is an inquiry letter?"  Yapp hopefully useful for those of you who want to know. if so I'll see you and thank you
